@thesis{thesis, author={LATIFAH NURUL}, title ={PERSEPSI PETANI TERHADAP PERHITUNGAN JAWA DALAM PENENTUAN AWAL BERCOCOK TANAM DI KELURAHAN TEMAS KECAMATAN BATU KOTA BATU}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/51066/}, abstract={Along with the development of the times and increasingly sophisticated technology, the human mindset began to change, thus affecting cultural shifts. This is shown by many people who abandon and ignore tradition. This study aims to determine farmers' perceptions and forms of implementation of Javanese calculations in Temas Village. The method of determining informants was done by purposive sampling with informants as many as 7 people. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. The data analysis technique used in this study is the interactive model of Milles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the perceptions of farmers in Temas Village towards Javanese calculations in determining the beginning of agriculture vary. According to farmers, the calculation of Java is local wisdom that needs to be preserved. The ancestral experience was fine if it was still done. They believe in parental advice about bad things that have been proven in the past if they do not follow estimates in primbon. For farmers using Javanese calculations is one form of his endeavor to Allah SWT. They only do Javanese calculations and make selametan a manifestation of gratitude. Although using primbon as a benchmark, they still adhere to the teachings of their religion. The form of implementation of Javanese calculations in the Temas Village that was do not exactly the same as the provisions written in primbon. Farmers who will do Javanese calculations must remember the day the parents died and the 1st day of Suro. If the Java calculation falls in those days, farmers are prohibited from starting planting. The hope is to avoid bad obstacles. References used by farmers are oyot, wit, godhong, uwoh. Other conditions such as takir provisions are not used.} }