@thesis{thesis, author={Zainuri Fahrizal}, title ={UJI PERSILANGAN DAN PERKECAMBAHAN PADA TIGA GENOTIPE SORGUM (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) JAWA TIMUR}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/52215/}, abstract={This study aims to obtain information about the success of a cross and information germination of seeds of crossbred Three genotypes East Java. The research was conducted in the experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Free Pasuruan is located near Purutrejo, Purworejo, Pasuruan. The study began in November 2018 and in February 2019 for 5 months. This study uses three local sorghum genotypes among others: (G1) Pasuruan, (G5) Sampang 1, and (G8) Tulungagung 2. Test crosses arranged in a randomized block design is simple, with treatment six cross combinations were repeated four times. Germination test using a single method, namely plant germination test on the same plastic box without repetition. The analysis is to be continued Annova honestly significant difference test (HSD) level of 5%. Analysis of means (Anom) used in this study to determine the average ratio of each seed results of a cross and cluster analysis was also used cluster On each variable obtained mixed results in each treatment genotype. The success of a cross between the genotypes of sorghum have different results. The highest result found in sorghum cross from Tulungagung 2 (G8) and Sampang 1 (G5). In addition, the appearance of crossbred seeds and elders have differences, where most of the male tatua affect the appearance of crossbred seeds. Sorghum growing power of crossbred observed from germination to growth have differences with elders caused by genetic factors. Berdasrakan result is known that genetic crosses that of the male dominant. Germination is highest at the intersection of ♀G1 >< ♂G8. Plant height and highest number of leaves is shown in the results of a cross ♀G1 >< ♂G8.} }