@thesis{thesis, author={Ali Achmad Valliant}, title ={PENGARUH SKARIFIKASI DAN KOMPOSISI MEDIA TERHADAP PERKECAMBAHAN DAN PERTUMBUHAN SEMAI TREMBESI (Samaneasaman. Jacq)}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/52613/}, abstract={The tamarind tree (Samanea saman. Jacq) plants to absorb CO2 is very high, good soil water absorption and to reduce the gas concentration effectively, so that it can be used as a plant reforestation. According to Dahlan, 2010. "tamarind tree has a CO2 gas absorption is very high. A tamarind tree trunks can absorb 28.488 Kg of CO2 every year with a crown diameter of 15 meters. The method used in the study is RAK, factorial, where the first factor: seed soaking treatment consists of three levels. Factor II: Composition of media consists of three levels, each repeated with three replications. So that there is 3.3.3 = 27 experimental units. Each unit contained 30 seed experiment which is then multiplied by 27 experimental units, so that there are 810 seeds. The variables used to observe is, germination power, germination rate, seedling growth, which is then analyzed uniform, if there are significant duncan's test p. 0.05 to determine differences in germination were tested. The interaction of these two factors scarification and media composition in combination A2B3 treatment with germination of 96.66%. Effect of scarification and medium composition at the fastest pace treatment sprouts A1 = 7,53 days, B1 = 6.33 days, at most leaf number A1 = 15.13 leaf, leaf B3 = 15.15, the highest plant height A1 = 30 , 47 cm, B3 = 30.99 cm, the largest rod diameter A1 = 0.496 cm, B3 = 0.502 cm, the longest root length A1 = 20.60 cm, B3 = 23,70cm, the most severe wet weight A1 = 15, 57 gram, B3 = 10.11 grams, the heaviest dry weight = 12.70 g A1, B2 = 7.16 grams.} }