@thesis{thesis, author={PUTRA QOMARUDDIN SIROH}, title ={KESIAPAN DAERAH KABUPATEN LAMONGAN DALAM RANGKA PEMBENTUKAN KAWASAN EKONOMI KHUSUS SEKTOR INDUSTRI MARITIM}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/53066/}, abstract={In order to strive for economic development the Government of Indonesia does a number of things to improve the economy in Indonesia, by utilizing its existing potential, including maritime potential which has been a superior potential that exists in Indonesia. Several policies have also been carried out including special Economic Zone policies which are expected to answer some of the economic problems in Indonesia. The Special Economic Zone itself has its own Law, namely Law No. 39 of 2009 concerning Special Economic zones, with the existence of this Law, the potential of each region will be seen in accordance with zones that have been determined in the Law. One of the regions included in the criteria in the Special Economic Zone is the Lamongan Regency, because Lamongan Regency itself has good maritime potential and is also included in the criteria for special economic zones and also Lamongan Regency itself proposed by the East Java Provincial Government after the birth of the Law of Special Economic Zone Issues in 2009. Until now some preparations have been made by the Lamongan District Government to meet the needs of the Special Economic Zone in the maritime industry sector, this preparation is important because it is necessary to measure whether a region is ready or not. This research was conducted by using a type of qualitative descriptive research which means that in this case the author describes (describes) and analyzes qualitative data about the Regional Readiness of Lamongan Regency in the Framework of the Establishment of a Special Economic Sector in the Maritime Industry Sector. In this study the theories used are the theory of special economic zones, the acceleration of local economic development, and also the best practice of Special Economic Zones as a pilot. The results of this study are that some aspects have been fulfilled even though some are still being sought and then completed. Some of these aspects are first, the land readiness that has been available for 500 hectares of land is in accordance with the RTRW which has been established by the local government of Lamongan Regency, but there are still around 20% of the land still in the process of land acquisition. Second is the readiness of infrastructure in this case there are several aspects, namely land transportation network, electricity network, telecommunications network, sea port, raw water source. For the land transportation network, the existing condition is that there is still a road narrowing at some point, then in the case of 23 MW of electricity network available, telecommunications networks still have barriers related to the difficulty of signals from many telecommunications companies, available sea ports, and finally the source raw water which still does not have sufficient resources for industrial needs. Besides that the readiness of Human Resources (HR) has been running several programs to print competent human resources in the field of maritime industry.} }