@thesis{thesis, author={MUTAQIN ANAS ZAENAL}, title ={ANALISIS SEGMENTASI PASAR SEPEDA MOTOR AUTOMATIC YAMAHA MIO DI KECAMATAN SUKUN KOTA MADYA MALANG}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/5414/}, abstract={Target of research is to know motorbike segmentation of automatic Yamaha Mio in District Sukun Malang Town. Analysis used to know market segmentation consumer of motorbike of Automatic Yamaha Mio used by analyzer of cluster centroid. Pursuant to result of solution and research which have been hence motorbike market segmentation of automatic Yamaha Mio divided to become three segment. At group/ cluster 1 that is covering to consider benefit, work as housewife, responder age that is gyrating 24 until 30 year and consider life style. At or group of cluster this there are counted 30 responder or 30%. At group/ cluster 2 that is covering to consider value sell again, social class, gender age and woman that is gyrating 24 until 30 year, at or group of cluster this there are counted 47 responder or 47%. At group/ cluster 3 that is covering earnings storey;level per month gyrate Rp. 1.100.000,- until Rp. 2.000.000,-, work as wiraswasta, and consider life style, [at] or group of cluster this there are counted 23 responder or 23%. Suggestion able to be raised in this research that is company shall to remain to to take care of and maintain to the quality of product and always innovate product so that as according to model or trend which is happened. To be expected by yielded product as according to growth of motorbike of matic existing now, so that can give amenity to consumer of motorbike. In effort to realize motto or slogan concerning woman in order not to under developed will and in effort give guarantee of satisfaction of purchasing having taken steps consumer.} }