@thesis{thesis, author={Chandra Amiko}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBERIAN CIRCUIT TRAINING TERHADAP PENINGKATAN VOâ‚‚MAX PEMAIN FUTSAL YAYASAN BINA INSANI SUKSES MALANG}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/54221/}, abstract={Background: Endurance is the body's ability to fight fatigue so that the body is able to carry out activities or work in a relatively fast time to return to fit. If a person has a good vital lung capacity, his resistance will be good so that in playing futsal it is not easy to experience fatigue. A suitable training program is given, namely Circuit Training training. Circuit training is a system of training that can simultaneously improve the overall fitness of the body, namely the elements of power, endurance, strength, agility, speed, and other physical conditions. Objective: This study aims to analyze the effect of providing Circuit Training on improving the VOâ‚‚max of futsal players at the Bina Insani Sukses Sukses Malang. Method: This study is a quasi-experimental research. In this study using the Pre and Post Test design with Control Group Design. involving 32 respondents with sampling techniques using Purposive Sampling. The data obtained were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test. The results of the VOâ‚‚max measurement analysis were measured using the Cooper Test after doing a 1-month exercise performed 3 times per week. Results: The results showed a significant effect of 0.00 (P <0.05) so that it could be concluded that H0 was rejected. Conclusion: There is the influence of the provision of Circuit Training on improving VOaxmax of futsal players in the Bina Insani Sukses Malang. Circuit Training can be used to improve VOâ‚‚max.} }