@thesis{thesis, author={Hadijah Nor}, title ={ALEXITHYMIA DENGAN KEKERASAN DALAM BERPACARAN PADA MAHASISWA}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/55343/}, abstract={Dating violence is a problem that is rife in college students. Dating violence can take the form of physical, sexual, and emotional violence. Having a partner with alexithymia can influence the occurrence of dating violence, because individuals with alexithymia have an impact which will prevent the occurrence of dating violence. In this study aims to determine the effect of two variables, namely whether alexithymia has an influence on the occurrence of dating violence. This study uses a quota sampling technique with a number of subjects 151 people, who have an age range of 18 to 23 years. The method of data analysis uses simple linear regression. The results of the regression test obtained a significance value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05. The regression coefficient in this study amounted to -0.845 so it is said to have an inverse effect. The higher alexithymia, the lower the dating violence. The coefficient of determination shows 0.297 that the effective contribution of Alexithymia to dating violence is 29.7% while the effect of other variables on dating violence is 70.3%.} }