@thesis{thesis, author={Wardani Diah Fitria}, title ={PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL TERHADAP KOMITMEN PERNIKAHAN PASANGAN YANG MELAKUKAN PERNIKAHAN DINI}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/56391/}, abstract={Early Early marriage is a sufficient contribution to the cause of divorce. Various physical, psychological, emotional, social, environmental impacts that are not prepared when establishing a relationship can cause various problems in the household. Interpersonal communication is the basis for couples to communicate various things in order to create harmonious relationships and have a strong commitment in marriage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interpersonal communication on early marriage commitments. It is a descriptive quantitative study using a sampling technique using non-probability sampling with a puposive sampling method, in Singosari District, Kelampok Village and Gunung Rejo, Malang Regency. Research subjects were 100 subjects consisting of 50 married couples who had early marriages with an age range for women under 16 years and for men under 18 years of age, living at home (and not undergoing long-distance relationships). The data collection method uses the Investment Model of Relationship Commitment scale that has been adapted by researchers to measure early marriage commitments. And interpersonal communication scale. The research data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the analysis using showed that interpersonal communication had a significant positive effect on early marriage commitments to husband and wife.} }