@thesis{thesis, author={Rahayu Nyoman Diana}, title ={PENGARUH TEKANAN TEMAN SEBAYA TERHADAP PERILAKU SEKS PRANIKAH REMAJA}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/57017/}, abstract={Premarital sex is a phenomenon that often occurs among adolescents. Peers become one of the causes of adolescent’s premarital sexual behavior. Peer pressure could influence adolescent’s attitudes and behavior, in addition to being accepted in their peer groups, teenagers have high curiosity, therefore they are easily influenced and perform these behaviors. This study aims to determine the effect of peer pressure variables on adolescent premarital sexual behavior. The research used quantitative non-experimental methods and uses non-probalility sampling techniques. Research subjects were 221 teenage students who were dating and had dated. The research instrument used NPPI (Negative Peer Pressure Inventory) and the scale of premarital sexual behavior. The results obtained by using simple linear regression data analysis method show a significant effect between peer pressure and premarital sex behavior variables of 0,000 ≤ 0,05 with regression coefficient value of 0,786 and an effective contributing of 50,3%.} }