@thesis{thesis, author={Wigati Bella Luriana}, title ={HUBUNGAN PEER ATTACHMENT DENGAN KOMPETENSI SOSIAL PADA REMAJA}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/57231/}, abstract={Social competence is the ability of an individual in interacting with others to achive positive social relation. While peer attachment is a strongly interwoven relationship between an adolescent and his/her friends, both personally and in groups. This research aimed to determine the relation between peer attachment and social competence in adolescents. Subjects taken in this research were adolescents who were selected based on the characteristics which had been determined using quota sampling techniques. The instrument used in this research was a scale. There were 2 scales used in this research, such as the social competence scale and the peer attachment scale. Technique of data analysis used in this research is The Pearson product moment correlation conducted with the assistance of SPSS Program version 21. the result of data analysis showed correlation coefficient of r=0.581 with p=0.000 (p<0.01). It means that there is positive and significant relation between peer attachment and social competence.} }