@thesis{thesis, author={Hamidah Maziyatul}, title ={HUBUNGAN RELIGIUSITAS DENGAN PERILAKU BULLYING PADA SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/57236/}, abstract={Bullying is the urge to hurt other people. It is carried out with the action to make someone suffers. The type of behavior bullying varies, either physically, verbally and psychologically. Bullying is a problem in the education system in the world and it is always increasing every year. While religiosity is interpreted as a form of human relations with God through religious teachings which have been internalized in the individual. Thus, it can be seen from the attitudes and daily behavior. This research aimed to determine the relationship between religiosity and bullying in adolescents high school in Islamic boarding schools. The type of research used was quantitative correlation. The subjects of this research were the Al-Izzah Batu Islamic Boarding School students of 189 adolescents taken by simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used religiosity scale (CSR) and behavior bullying scale. Data were analyzed using correlation technique of product moment by Karl Pearson. Data analysis was conducted with the assistance of SPSS program version 22. The result of analysis showed that correlation coefficient value (r) were -0.066 and p=0.370 (p>0.05). it means that there is negative relation but insignificant between religiosity and behavior bullying.} }