@thesis{thesis, author={Amanaturrohmah Amanaturrohmah}, title ={A STUDY ON TEACHERS’ LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/57430/}, abstract={This study is aimed to explore the teachers’ language instruction used in teaching English as Specific Purposes (ESP) classroom at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). As teaching the foreign language, there have been debates over mixed between the use of mother tongue (L1) and the target language (L2) or translingual practices. A number of teachers believe that translingual practices should be avoided because it causes negative impact on students’ target language ability whereas other teachers believe that translingual practices help them in the target language teaching and learning process in the classroom. This was qualitative research in which data was taken interpretively by observation, interview and questionnaire. The participants of this research were 4 ESP teachers and ESP students who were taught by teachers who were selected as the research participant. The findings showed that the teachers agreed to employ translingual practices in reasons, because; (1) translingual practice as the teaching strategy, (2) students’ language proficiency level, (3) translingual practices as last option of language teaching, (4) both teachers and students were non-native English speaker, and (5) the classroom teaching and learning context. However, in some teaching and learning situations, the teachers agreed to not employ translingual practices because; (1) English as a global language, (2) English as the goal of learning (3) negative impacts of overusing translingual. Furthermore, the researcher also found that the students prefer to choose translingual practices as the language teaching used by their teachers and their language used for classroom interaction and some others prefer to use and to be taught in English because of several reasons. Eventually, regarding the research finding, those reasons emerge are caused by three factors such as teacher factor, student factor, and teaching and learning area factor.} }