@thesis{thesis, author={Aldina Sonia Rosa}, title ={STUDI EVALUASI DAN PERENCANAAN JARINGAN DISTRIBUSI AIR BERSIH PADA ZONA BANGKON DI JALAN KERTORAHARJO KOTA MALANG (Studi Kasus : Zona Bangkon Kota Malang , Pada DMA Bangkon 1B untuk daerah wilayah Jalan Kertoraharjo Malang)}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/58377/}, abstract={Clean water is basic and continuity of human life so needed a priority in handling its fullfilment. This planning had purpose to evaluate and plan clean water network in order to fullfield in optimal service with year of plan is 20 years. DMA Bangkon Zone 1B at Kertoraharjo street Malang city at 2019 had 1248 unit house connection with presentage of service is 80% of total occupation as much as 12148 people and people that served is 9987 people. At this DMA mostly happen cheating of clean water even more when at high noon caused at DMA zone Bangkok 1B lot of house Made to be boarding house. This planning had to be done because it give solution for PDAM Malang city to fill the water even at high noon. In evaluate and plan clean water got a source from banyuning which Location at batu city as a main source and the only one to DMA Bangkok 1B zone with the debit is 10,11 l/s base to count result got a debit 6,2 lt/dt for 2019 and for 2038 is 10,7 lt/dt. Simulation to evaluate and plan of development system for clean water distribution use help from WaterCad CONNECT Edition program with time of simulation is 24 hour and 1 hour interval.} }