@thesis{thesis, author={Prasetio Annisa Salsabila}, title ={HUBUNGAN LEADER MEMBER EXCHANGE (LMX) DENGAN KOMITMEN AFEKTIF KARYAWAN}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/58401/}, abstract={Organization needs to have employees with high skill of commitment to achieve organization’s goals. Organization’s commitment is determined by a variety of relationship’s quality between leaders and subordinates. The purpose of this study is to knowing the relationship between leader member exchange (LMX) and affective commitment. The sampling technique is convenience sampling. The subjects of this research is 170 empoloyees. Leader member exchange measurement uses LMXMDM scale, while affective commitment uses the affective commitment scale, the analysis of the data used Product Moment Pearson correlation. Result of this research showed that there was a significant positive relationship between leader member exchange (LMX) with affective commitment. It can be seen from (r)=0.689 with a significance level (p) 0.01 (p<0.05).} }