@thesis{thesis, author={Jakfar Raihanah Azizah Robbani}, title ={ASERTIF TERHADAP KEBERAGAMAN SUKU: STUDI EKSPERIMEN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN POLIKULTURALISME}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/59247/}, abstract={Indonesian people are faced with various ethnic environmental situations, they need to be wise in addressing the differences that are characteristic in certain ethnic groups. An ideology that recognizes differences between groups that influence attitudes and positive interactions, so as to narrow the differences and of course increase the similarities and increase tolerance is called polyculturalism. The ideology of polyculturalism should be implied in the form of real behavior. One effort made to improve attitudes that reflect policulturalism is through assertive training. Assertive training is designed to increase the beliefs and assertive behavior of individuals who can help individuals change the way they see themselves, build confidence in interpersonal communication and subjective well being. This studied used a quantitative approach to the experimental research method of the pre test and post test control group design. The subjects involved were 10 new undergraduate students from several large islands in Indonesia. The results showed assertive training did not significantly influence the attitude of polyculturalism according to the Wilcoxon test results with a p value of 0.066 (p> 0.05).} }