@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Nella Narindah Ayu Artika}, title ={KAJIAN MITOS JAWA PADA SERAT CENTHINI 1 GUBAHAN AGUS WAHYUDI}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/59291/}, abstract={Serat Centhini 1 which was composed by Agus Wahyudi has its own way in presenting the Javanese myths. It was explained through the journey of Sunan Giri's children who were separated from their siblings. At the time of their exploration in Nusa Java, they met many figures from some regions where the form of Javanese myths was conveyed. Further, this study was aimed to (1) describe the delivery form of gugon tuhon myth in Serat Centhini 1 Agus Wahyudi, (2) describe the delivery form of associative shadow myth in Serat Centhini 1 composed by Agus Wahyudi, (3) describe the delivery form of the legend myth and the story in Serat Centhini 1 by Agus Wahyudi, and (4) describe the delivery form of the syirikan myth in Serat Centhini 1 by Agus Wahyudi. This study was conducted by means of descriptive qualitative method by exploring the story excerpts related to the research problem. Moreover, this study used a literary anthropology approach. The data used in this study were quotation or the story sequences in the form of paragraph and sentences related to the delivery form of Javanese myths. The source of the data in this study was Serat Centhini 1 which was composed by Agus Wahyudi. The techniques used to analyze the data were by reading Serat Centhini 1 in depth, analyzing, interpretinh and making a conclusion. The results revealed that in Serat Centhini 1 which was composed by Agus Wahyudi, the delivery form of gugon tuhon myth through verbal and reminder tools. The form of conveying associative shadow myths through oral, the form of conveying legend myths and stories through oral and reminder tools and the form of conveying mythical features through oral.} }