@thesis{thesis, author={Lukesi Ervina}, title ={PENGARUH SIKAP KEUANGAN, PENGETAHUAN KEUANGAN, PUSAT KENDALI, DAN FINANCIAL SELF-EFICACY TERHADAP PERILAKU MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN PADA GENERASI MILENIAL}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/59907/}, abstract={This research aims to review the influence of financial attitude, financial knowledge, mission control, and the financial self efficacy in generations milenial in Mojolangu. Included in this study as many as 100 respondents purposive sampling method. Sampling technical data analysis in this study using multiple linear regression. Based on test results obtained the results of bahwah, financial attitude financial knowledge, locus of control, and financial self efficacy in partial significant and positive on financial management behavior. Independent variable most dominant in contributing to the behavior of financial management is variable financial attitude.} }