@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={STUDI DESKRIPTIF TENTANG TINGKAT KECEMASAN DAN GAYA BELAJAR PADA SISWA SMU KELAS III DALAM MENGHADAPI UJIAN NASIONAL}, year={2006}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/6110/}, abstract={Exam is one form of evaluation of learning and an important part of education that serves as a means of measuring the success of one form of learning and exam is the National Examination held by the government and also as a measure of success of education in Indonesia, but since the enactment of the standard graduation own anxiety for students because so far accustomed to the tradition passed one hundred percent, so that the necessary learning strategies as a form of defense in dealing with anxiety, one of them through learning styles This descriptive study involves a level of anxiety and learning styles. anxiety level is an anxiety reaction physically, psychologically and cognition menghdapi students in national examinations. While the style of learning is a form of student learning strategies based on a review of environmental effects (field dependent and field independent), speed in decision making (impulsive and reflective) and the deepening of the material (surface and deep). The population of this study are high school students in the class III 0I SMAN Batu and cluster sampling technique of random sampling of 57 students and research instrument in this case using a scale of anxiety level and learning style scale. analysis of data used is the frequency distribution. Based on data obtained from analysis of data can be described that there are subtle differences between students who tend to have lower levels of anxiety were 30 students (52.37%) and students who experienced high levels of anxiety as many as 27 students (47.37%) in the face of National Examination In the selection of learning style, based on environmental influences, learning styles field independent and field dependent style widely used by students with low anxiety levels, based on the speed of decision making use of more reflective learning styles used by students who tend to have lower levels of anxiety, whereas impulsive learning styles tends to be used by students with high anxiety levels, and based on the deepening of the material, learning styles surface and deep learning styles is also widely used by students who have low levels of anxiety This means that the level of anxiety is not the main factor that can influence the selection of student learning styles in the face of the National Examination, due to the style of learning occurs naturally brought individuals from birth, but environmental influences and a long learning process can also affect the individual in the selection of learning styles which according to him} }