@thesis{thesis, author={El Hakeem Hilya Nadiha Maula}, title ={PENGARUH SELF COMPASSION TERHADAP STRES AKADEMIK PADA SISWA SMK}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/61255/}, abstract={This research is based on the problem faced by Vocational High School, i.e. academic stress. In comparison to Senior High School or Islamic High School, Vocational High School students have an academic burden as they are required to understand the theory and practice in the field. Furthermore, academic stress may occur because parents want their children have a good life in the future. The pressure given by parents and teachers cause to academic stress in the students, which can interfere with their academic performance. With the problems experienced by the students, they should have a self compassion. This research aims to find if any influence the level of academic stress on the students. Types of research used are quantitative associative. The subjects in this research are the students of Vocational High School of Muhammadiyah in Malang Raya. Data retrieval methods use a Self Compassion Scale (SCS) adapted from Neff (2003a), and Perception of Academic Stress (PAS) adapted from Bedewy & Gabriel (2015). Data analysis used in this research using liniear regression in the SPSS 17. The results showed a negative influence of self compassion to academic stress by 19,1%.} }