@thesis{thesis, author={Endaryani Vera Suci}, title ={PELATIHAN ANTECEDENT-FOCUSED & RESPONSE-FOCUSED UNTUK MENINGKATKAN REGULASI EMOSI PADA REMAJA PANTI ASUHAN}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/61282/}, abstract={Emotional regulation is the ability to manage emotions in order to be able to respond to the situation through adaptive actions which are in accordance with the social norms. In the orphanage, there were some unpleasant events made the adolescents there behave unfavourably. It absolutely can affect the emotional conditions about what they felt. In resolving these problems, we need the right solution to regulate the emotions. One of the techniques that can be applied is through antecedent-focused and response-focused training. Antecedent-focused and response-focused training is taught to manipulate how people think about a certain emotional stimuli and how to respond the emotional situations. This research aims to determine the differences about the emotional regulation of adolescent experimental groups and control groups between before and after having training. For the instrument, it uses the emotional regulation scale which has been adapted from Padang (2018). In analysing the data, it has applied independent t-test. In addition, the results describe there are no significant differences between experimental and control groups by looking at the probability values. The implication of this research is adolscents who live in orphanages to learn about what antecedent-focused and response-focused training is.} }