@thesis{thesis, author={Rusdianto Nur Idin}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PIROLISIS PLATIK MENJADI BAHAN BAKAR CAIR}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/61394/}, abstract={One of the handling of solid waste, especially HDPE type plastic waste is the pyrolysis process is a process of handling solid waste by heating at high temperatures so that simple compounds with a liquid phase are obtained. This study aims to determine the potential of liquid fuels produced through the pyrolysis process through HDPE type plastic waste. Pyrolysis is done by heating the pyrolysis column which contains HDPE type plastic samples by using HDPE plastic type fuels. The melted plastic will then evaporate and condense to get liquid fuel. The pyrolysis device circuit consists of a reactor and a condenser. The reactor has a height dimension of 40 cm and a diameter of 30 cm. This column has a lid with a length and width of 7 cm x 7 cm and is equipped with a Thermocouple. In addition, the reactor has a double jacket with a 45 cm high dimension and 38 cm in diameter. the reactor is equipped with a pipa inch iron pipe with a length of 100 mm and a thickness of 1 mm and a copper pipe measuring ¾ inch and a length of 12 m with a thickness of 1 mm for disposal and a more effective steam cooling process and a copper pipe inserted into a drum with a height of 50 cm and 58 cm in diameter 1.6 mm drum thickness filled with water that functions as a condenser. This pyrolysis tool can operate up to 150 - 160ºC for 4 - 5 hours, but the expected temperature is between 300 - 400 ºC. so that the heating needed for the pyrolysis process is still not optimal. In the 80th minute, the pyrolysis tool had released a product in the form of oil from the pyrolysis of plastic waste. From the results of the tool operation, the product volume for the type of HDPE (black plastic) is 201 ml / kg. From the data obtained, the volume of HDPE plastic (black plastic) is only slightly due to the additive material contained in black plastic by 69%. Many disadvantages of this pyrolysis tool and need improvement from this tool. According to the results of the analysis, this plastic waste pyrolysis product has characteristics close to the pertasik CB.} }