@thesis{thesis, author={Annu’many Nuzhatul Hamhami}, title ={KONFORMITAS TERHADAP KELOMPOK (STUDI PADA MAHASISWA CLUBBING)}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/61525/}, abstract={The phenomenon of clubbing began to spread in Indonesia, including the city of students and much in demand by students. Reasons that encourage students to do clubbing are to release stress, look for fun and refreshing on weekends, meet with group friends to release stress, and some even make clubbing a hobby. Students enter the category of early adulthood where the individual is in a productive period and is the beginning of the formation of life and family. Students who come in groups are called conformity. Conformity itself is a type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes and behavior to match existing social norms. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of conformity in the study group of Clubbing students. The design of this research is quantitative descriptive. The subjects of this study were 103 students who entered into early adulthood with the age range of 18-25 years. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This study uses a sear scale to measure the level of conformity in students visiting clubbing. The results of this study were analyzed using mean values, norm values and showed that conformity in students in Malang was good. This is because individuals who do clubbing can adjust opinions with the group so that it creates pressure, so that pressure makes an agreement within the group. In addition, the average value of conformity among female students who did clubbing was higher than that of men. a sense of not being recognized in the environment, rejected, and even discarded can be experienced by students if the student refuses to do conformity to the group because the larger the group size, the greater the conformity that will occur, because the greater the size of the group, the behavior of individuals will be increasingly different from what is desired .} }