@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJAPEGAWAI PADA KANTOR DEPARTEMEN AGAMA KABUPATEN JEMBRANA BALI}, year={2009}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/666/}, abstract={The title of this research is The Influence Of Economic Value Added, Residual Income, Earnings, Operation Cash Flow, Market Value Added And Return On Asset Of Share Return Type of this research is used hypothesis of testing. The purpose of this research is to test the influence of economic value added, residual income, earnings, operation cash flow, market value added and return on asset of share return at manufacturing business. The technique of data analysis used in this research is using analysis of regression doubled linear, which independent variables are economic value added, residual income, earnings, operation cash flow, market value added, and return on asset. In the other hand, dependent variable is share return by using an abnormal culmulative return. Based on the result of this research and the result of the data analysis, it can be known that the variable of economic value added, income residual, earnings, operation cash flow, market value added and return on asset influenced simultaneously on share return. While, by partial variable of earnings, operation cash flow and return on asset influenced on share return, in the other hand, the variable of economic added value, income residual, market value added do not influenced on share return.} }