@thesis{thesis, author={YAWAME THOBIAS}, title ={PERAN PERUSAHAAN ASING DALAM PEMBANGUNAN MASYARAKAT DESA (Studi Kasus Implementasi Program Community Development PT. Freeport Indonesia di Desa Banti Kec. Tembagapura Kab. Timika Propinsi Papua)}, year={2008}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/7047/}, abstract={In development process, there needed a strong will and ability to apply the society potential for development. Planning should be arranged in order to gather the people power to participate in effort to reach higher prosperity. In order to get better life standard, there could be applied these steps : 1.Structural (planning, forming, and evaluation, society institution, 3.Struktural (perencanaan, pembentukan, dan evaluasi, lembaga masyarakat, prosedurnya serta pembangunan secara kebendaan). 4.Spritual (pembentukan watak, pendidikan di dalam penggunaan cara cara berpikir dalarn ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi). Dan atau kedua duanya. In the beginning of the New Order regime, Freeport applied for permission and became the first Foreign Investment Organization in Indonesia to started gold and copper mining at Ertsberg Tembagapura Mimika Residence Papua Province. The contract based on verse 3 section 33 Constitution 1945 which stated : “earth, water, and natural resource inside controlled by the Country and used in optimum way for people prosperity”. Based on the Constitution, all rules about mining was verified. Papua Province which was three and half times Java Island gave territorial and natural resource potential, include large challenges and problems. Banti village at Tembagapura is a region which has large Natural Resource, especially copper and gold, so that Tembagapura became one of the three largest gold mine in the world. In 1967-1989, society development in all sectors couldn’t be formed, for almost 30 years. At 1989, Community PT Freeport Program showed some positive result. Some of them : healthy at Tembagapura and education in Kwamkilama Elementary School, and at 1996, people settlement development was showed when there was demonstration at Timika. In this research, the statement of problems were : How were implementation and people respond to Community Development Program in health, education, and settlement at Banti Village Tembagapura Sub-District Mimika Residence Papua Province. The research aimed to find out that by the existence of PT Freeport, the people has already felt the benefit of development in people health, education, and settlement or not and also find answers from many people component. Data collection was done by documentation, direct interview, and observation. Related with the interview with the society, the keyword was amanuao / woe-e, means good and very good. In other words, if people responds of PT Freeport Indonesia existence was good in their life. The result analyzed by descriptive approach. Phases through were data reduction, data display, and data analysis. The research was qualitative descriptive research. The research object were : Comdey Leader, LPMAK Leader, Hospital Leader, Employees, Headmaster, Chief of the Village, students, and people. All data would be collected from interview, documentation, and observation. According to the field data, PT Freeport Indonesia, especially Community Development Program at Banti Village Tembagapura Sub-District Mimika Residence got progressing in prosperity, except the poor education sector. It showed that Community Development program reached a good position in health and settlement sector, while in education was less, means that it was in contra position with people culture. From the research there could be concluded that by the existence of the third largest company in the world, the society got positive effect by the social fund. Beside, by the existence of PT Freeport Indonesia, there was a department handled the society. The department was Community Development. By the fact, Community Development Program of PT Freeport Indonesia has run well. The major priority of the program was health, education, settlement, and the other special program which could be said optimal in development implementation. There was only a problem in education sector. It was un-optimal since lack of strategy from Community Development to develop the education at Banti Village Tembagapura sub-district Mimika residence – Papua Province The writer suggest the next research to study the negative effect. Since in this research, the writer study about the positive contribution, which means that by the existence of PT Freeport Indonesia, there was a positive contribution to the society, so the result showed a positive result too} }