@thesis{thesis, author={YUDHA ANDY EL}, title ={ANALISIS PENGARUH TINGKAT SUKU BUNGA SBI DAN VOLUME EKSPOR IMPOR TERHADAP NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/7053/}, abstract={This research take title "Analysis Effect Interest Rate of SBI And Volume Export Import To Rupiah Exchange Rate". With this matter would be solved that is how high effect interest rate and volume export import to year rupiah exchange rate 2002-2006. The purpose of this research is to know the level of effect interest rate and volume export import to year rupiah exchange rate 2002-2006. In this research, the auther taken hypothesis which guesses that interest rate, value export import, rupiah exchange rate to $ US Lag_1 has significant effect to rupiah exchange rate. Technique analyse the data by writer by using doubled linear analysis regresi with the ordinary smallest square (OLS) and also use the test t and test F. Yardstick from its significant not result of regresi seen from value test the thitung and Fhitung. From result regresi obtained LnNitu = Ln 1.233 - 0.025 Ln Subu - 0.00702 Ln eximp + 0.881 LnNitut_1 + e. With the meaning x1 interest rate and of x2 export import have negative with rupiah exchange rate while Nitut-1 have positive. From obtained data and after known that result of t test at = 5% indicating that interest rate storey level of SBI ( thitung = - 1.588 < ttabel = 2.0096) not have an effect on significant with milai convert rupiah, ekport import ( thitung = - 0.681 < ttabel = 2.0096) having an effect on not significant to rate of interest of SBI and rupiah exchange rate to $ US Lag_1 ( thitung = 14.091 < ttabel = 2.0096) having an effect on significant to rupiah exchange rate. While from test of F = 5% indicating that by together independent variable (X) have effect to dependent variable (Y). From the analysis can be pulled conclusion that variable interest rate and export import volume have negative effect to rupiah exchange rate, while variable rupiah exchange rate to $ US Lag_1 have positive and significant to rupiah exchange rate.} }