@thesis{thesis, author={RESY BUANA DELLY}, title ={REPRESENTASI DUNIA PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA DALAM FILM (Analisis Isi Terhadap Film ”Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan”)}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/7276/}, abstract={“Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie is a form where media we used to socialize and construct expression through message in the movie. In this movie, education is the main issue discussed. It has no means to teach. It expressed reality about Indonesia’s education world which is still developed though many children full of passion eager to reach a better life through self construction. The limitation faced by Indonesia related with education is revealed in “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie. It made the writer interested to reveal representation of Indonesia’s education world in “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie. In this research, the writer used mass communication theory. Mass communication defined as communication process where the message sent by institutional source to the people in mass method through mechanical tools like radio, television, newspaper and movie (Cangara, 2003:35). The message in the movie is about Indonesia’s educatio world. Method used in this research was contain analysis. Analysis unit in this research was scenes from, “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie. Here,the writer focused on scene which contained representation of Indonesia’s world education just as revealed in categorization. To test the reliability, the research supported by two coder (people who did coding) in data coding. From 76 scenes in “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie there did a coding action into existing categories. According to the calculation of reliability test between the writer and coder I and coder II there found reliability coefficient 0.93 or 93% and represented into Scott formula 0.91 or 91 %. According to the existing frequency, there could be seen that the movie dominantly presented the representation of education facility, showed by school building, and many other facilities like blackboard, chair, and uniform to teach and learn in school. This categorization existed dominantly with 20 times frequency from the whole 76 scenes. So that could be said that “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie showed dominantly the representation of Indonesia’s education world through the description of education facility showed in the movie. Here, the writer suggested that by the “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie as message sender media related to the phenomena, it should be paid attention by related parties to increase the education facility in Indonesia. From the education world representation in movie, there could be seen so many deficiency inhibited the educational activity. The writer also suggested for another writer to analyzed movie with interesting theme as “Denias – Senandung di Atas Awan” Movie.} }