@thesis{thesis, author={TRIBOWO SETYO}, title ={KECEMASAN SEKOLAH PADA ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR}, year={2008}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/7321/}, abstract={A period to is critical of child in course of formal education, is during their five first year in elementary school. Child age is period which very determine the quality of adult someone later. At a period to child conception x'self, feel selfregard can and worth have started to be formed, child have started to learn to cooperate, can motivate to learn, but tend to less neglectless and claim attention. In activity learn in elementary school, child will get opportunity to learn to cooperate and have socialization, and also get instruction and tuition of teacher. But that opportunitys can lose if/when child refuse to attend school because experiencing of dread at school. Dread of school at elementary schoolchild represent the problem of interesting to be checked. Intention of this research is to obtain;get dread picture at natural school by elementary schoolchild and factors what causing incidence dread of school in elementary schoolchild seen from family environment and school environment. Research which is diskriptif in character with approach qualitative use method data collecting of observation is non participant, directional interview and documentation. Subyek in this research is two natural elementary school student child of dread at school. Reality result of research indicate that dread of school at elementary schoolchild showed with existence of dread symptoms, good of physical symptom ( fisiologis) which in the form of various sigh of pain and also in the form of symptom bounce ( psychologically), in the form of deduction for school, on the warpath if forced by school, and show doubt to ability of x'self. There is many factor becoming cause of dread of school [at] child. Style mothering of autoritary old fellow, problem of family economics and divorce represent factor coming from family environment. While cause coming from school is treatment of teacher which tend to give physical penalization and existence of conflict with friend gone to school.} }