@thesis{thesis, author={Syah M. Fahruddin}, title ={Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Kendali Jarak Pada Mobile Robot Dengan Penghalang Samping Depan, Samping Kanan Dan Samping Kiri Menguunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy (Software)}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/7417/}, abstract={Technology of Cruise Control have old introduced as alternative solution in make-up of freshment of driving functioning as driver asistant, where all system walk automatically. Determination of distance and position is oftentimes obtained form result of complex mathematical process wich it’s tardy process relative. Pursuant to at taken away form by information human being navigasi is environment only in the form of condition of environment pursuant to nature of object distance about him. So that logic of fuzzy according to perception of us can be used as by method to process the navigasi. At this final duty will present implementation conduct logicof fuzzy at robot mobile to conduct Cruise Control, where all system walk automatically, control to be robot mobile remain to at bandwalke and accelerate with certain speed. To take careof constantly within band, robot mobile take data apart form three cencor of PSD. By using logic control system of fuzzy, will be given by sinyal conduct at both motor of dc to lessen or speeding up him. And if its front there are other robot mobile which its lower speed hance Cruise Control to follow robot mobile will be active, and logic control system of fuzzy will always keep distance peaceful by arranging his him.This Cruise Control is expeted alternatively the make-up of freshment of driving and improvement of moment security driving.} }