@thesis{thesis, author={SETYO APRILIANTO PUGUH}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS PENANGGULANGAN GELANDANGAN DAN PENGEMIS OLEH SATUAN POLISI PAMONG PRAJADI KOTA MALANG (Studi di Kota Malang) }, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/7843/}, abstract={Loiterer and beggar is view of habit able to meet at region of urban. Existence of loiterer and beggar, in fact earn isn't as a collision of crime. On the basis of regulation of invitation, in various areas strive to overcome problems of this beggar and loiterer. Including also in Malang Town. Here writer see that very interesting to be commented how in perspective of law relate to effort overcoming of beggar and loiterer in Malang Town. This research cope to express how effectiveness overcoming of beggar and loiterer by Set of Police PP in Malang Town and also how constraints overcoming of beggar and loiterer faced by set of police PP in Malang Town and done effort is Set of Police PP Malang Town to overcome the constraint. Here writer use approach of sociologic yuridis with method analyze descriptive data qualitative. Sample taken by writer with technique of purposive sampling taking responder pursuant to the knowledge level of to problems expressed by writer. From research, can be concluded that Relating to effectiveness overcoming of beggar and loiterer, less effective overcoming because various arising out resistance and also the condition of society social and also strength of person and social influencing execution of regulation of invitation. Factors pursuing execution of overcoming of beggar and loiterer by Set of Police PP is : (1) Spreading of beggar and loiterer almost in all Malang Town region so that complicate to be overcome ; (2) Loiterer and Beggar in Malang Town come sporadically difficult so that prevented ; (3) given Penalization of collision to regulation concerning beggar and loiterer not heavily so that do not taken to road and beggar discourage to come to Malang ; (4) Limitation of personnel in Set of Police PP so that unable to control or overcome the amount of beggar and loiterers which far more big ; (5) Limitation of fund for the follow-up of construction in overcoming of beggar and loiterer ; (6) Lack of society support to effort overcoming of beggar and loiterer ; Effort done Set of Police PP to overcome the resistances for example is : (1) Doing patrol to all Malang town region, especially in downtown region (Downtown) combed up at edge ; (2) Doing observation at important dots of transportation, like Railway station and Terminal Bus to shut-out loiterer him and beggar in too big volume ; (3) Coping to execute duty effectively with personnel the limitedness ; (4) Doing socialization to effort of overcoming to beggar and loiterer to wide of society. } }