@thesis{thesis, author={KURNIASIH HERLIN}, title ={ANALISIS KESALAHAN PENYELESAIAN SOAL–SOAL CERITA TENTANG PECAHAN (STUDI KASUS DI KELAS VII E SMP TAMAN SISWA MALANG)}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/8045/}, abstract={Capabiity of student to finish story question indirectly was effected by capability of student to comprehend meaning of story question and arrange it become mathematics sentence. Thus, capability to arrange mathematics sentence was the capability must be owned by student, so that they can finish story question correctly and rightly. But, some student couldn’t arrange mathematics sentence immediately based on means of question. The objective of the research as follows: (1) to identify any kind of mistakes was conducted by studenst class VIIE Junior High School Taman Siswa Malang to finish story questions about fraction; (2) to describe mistakes cause was experienced by student of class VIIE Junior High School Taman Siswa Malang to finish questions of story about fraction. The research uses descriptive research design, population and sample used is type of population sample, data collection technique uses test and interview. The instrument of research uses test and interview. The analysis was descriptive analysis. The result of research indicated 76% mistakes of students to answer the questions didn’t use mathematics sentence, 43% mistakes of students to finish only some of all questions, 50% mistakes of student use calculation operation, 40% mistakes was in writing the last result, 48% of mistakes was without writing unit. The conclusion of the research as follows: (1) some mistakes of student class VIIE Junior High School Taman Siswa Malang in doing question of story about fraction consists of: 70% student answered question didn’t use mathematics sentence, 50% student did mistakes on calculation operation, 48% student didn’t write unit, 43% student just finished some questions, 40% student did mistakes to write the last result; (2) Casual factor of mistakes experienced by student class VIIE Junior High School Taman Siswa Malang to finish questions of story about fraction as follows: student got difficulties to comprehend questions, student couldn’t make mathemetics sentence, student lack of mastering calculation operation of multiplication and division about fraction, student didn’t recheck the result of their job, student couldn’t comprehend more of one question in questions, student lack of careful in writing the answered.} }