@thesis{thesis, author={Kadianto Hendaru}, title ={ANALISIS RASIO KEUANGAN SEBAGAI SALAH SATU ALAT UNTUK MENILAI KINERJA KEUANGAN DI PERUM PERHUTANI UNIT II JATIM KESATUAN BISNIS MANDIRI PEMASARAN KAYU JATIM I MADIUN}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/8621/}, abstract={This experiment is a study case which be held at Perum Perhutani Unit II Jatim Kesatuan Bisnis Mandiri Pemasaran Kayu Jatim I Madiun with title of Financial Ratio Analisys as one of a tool to estimate financial performance at Perum Perhutani Unit II Jatim Kesatuan Bisnis Mandiri Pemasaran Kayu jatim I Madiun. The purpose of this experiment is to study performance of company financial with analyze balance of power and profit and loss by use of ratio analisys tool. The tool if analisys that used to know about the company financial performance which used to writer is tools of financial ratio analisys such as liquidity ratio to measure capability of company to complete short term, profitability ratio analisys to measure the capability of company to get profit, and activity ratio analisys which be used to measure effectiveness of company to exploit it sources. The result of the calculated with the tool of ratios financial analisys shows as: liquidity financial ratio analisys shows the condition of financial is a very good, profitability analisys shows that effectiveness to do operational, but if it looks from financial condition of activity ratio analisys is not good enough yet. As the summarize above, the writer can conclude that Perum Perhutani is better reduce stock because it doesn’t liquid with decent fluent assets then the profitability will be optimum and Perum Perhutani have to capable to increase sale and decrease stock so that the operational will be effective and rise the financial performance.} }