@thesis{thesis, author={Prasetya Aziz}, title ={Makna Nilai Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) Akibat Arus Modernisasi (Studi Pada Anggota Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang)}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9583/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Existence value - the value IMM, known as Tri Citra IMM or Basic Competency in which there are 3 values, namely: Religious Values, Intellectual Value, and Value of Humanism. The third value is one of the manifest of Holy Quran Surat Al-Imran: 104 and Al Ma'un: 1-7, or who are identified as the Faith-Science-Amal. Three values are consistent with the statutes in Article 5 IMM is passed on to chapter 6 with the aim of knowledge-based cadres mengkontruksi the ghiroh solid and has a strong Islamic struggle as a cadre of next generation mission-based Religious - Intellectuals. In the process of interpretation (penafsiran) each - every individual has their own interpretation of the value - the value Tri Citra IMM, both in terms of religious, intellectual, or simply viewed from humanismenya. To see the meaning of each - each individual is of value - the value IMM, researchers formulate the problem of how the meaning of value due to the current modernization IMM. Object of this research conducted at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and the subject is a member of the 3rd generation IMM different from some of the existing faculty in this UMM. Techniques to collect data using observations, interviews, and documentation. In this study, identifying the meaning of each - each individual for Tri Citra IMM values basically can not be separated from the stimulus pattern - a pattern that brought the latest thinking by the current mindset mengkontruksi modernization for each individual from the previous value on the individual self. Gadamer's theory, individual values could not be separated from the Tradition, Practical Importance, language, culture. Flow modernization by Alex Inkeles defined in the form of value 3: Dominant Modernization, Industrial Culture, and Efficiency. This research is more focused on the concept of truth is presented by Hans-George Gadamer on dialogical hermeneutics, in which individuals make sense of things should be free-value, symbolically should be free from the dogmatic concept. Blumer concept trying to explain the process of the action taken in response to the subject of value - the value IMM, and here the movement of assessing a subject or a capital construction sense to think through the understanding, experience, and thinking space. Although the concept of the movement of value - the value IMM shall have the force reference value for Tri Citra IMM members IMM and the three values as a united movement, which is basically the value can not be separated from the value - the value of missionary institutions as the main movement Muhammadiyah IMM. This is where the value Tri Citra IMM tested the subjects through a process of truth, not just assess the value based Tri Citra IMM orientalistik philological understanding, but rather as an interpretive study of the basic pattern of a dynamic understanding of the individual as one of the actions of the perceived meaning of value - the value of Tri Citra IMM.} }