@thesis{thesis, author={S. Indratmo Achmad}, title ={Analisis Isi Pesan Dakwah Pada Program Acara Ensiklopedi Islam di Metro TV Pada Bulan Ramadhan 1427H}, year={2007}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9615/}, abstract={In each month of Ramadhan is almost all TV stations broadcast the event program titled fasting in many respects. Islamic Encyclopedia program is one program 1427H Ramadhan show that aired on Metro TV. This program displays Islamic religious themes of the Encyclopedia of Islamic literature containing religious knowledge or insight Islam then tema-tema is discussed by Islamic scholars that in accordance with expertise, unlike other programs Ramadan. Encyclopedia event program Islam which aired on Metro TV in Ramadan 1427H interesting to study because seen from the themes presented by this program contains insight and knowledge Islam religion of the alphabet A through Z, while the program is aired in the month Ramadan. This is the background of researchers to do research, to find out Ramadan message on this program. Referring to the theory of Dennis McQuail (1987) provide some theory of mass communication and one that is normative theory, this theory read how the media should play a role when a series of social values ​​to be applied and achieved in accordance with the nature of values social. The formulation of this research problem is how the frequency of occurrence of the message contained propaganda Encyclopedia of Islam in the event program. This study aimed to determine how frequency of occurrence of preaching the message contained in the Encyclopedia of Islam in the event program Ramadan 1427H. This research used content analysis (content analysis) is a method examine the content of communications to describe in a real, systematic, quantitative and objective. The scope of this research is the message which came out in dialogue as a theme in 30 episodes Encyclopedia of Islam in the program, with the unit of analysis in the form of episodes and a unit of measurement form of words in the dialogue as a theme in 30 episodes. The research data obtained with see a series of visualization programs Encyclopedia of Islam that has been recorded previously. Analysis of quantitative data presented in the form of a frequency distribution table for know the frequency of occurrence of messages in each category and cross tabulation for know the percentage, then described in accordance with the formulation of the problem and objectives research The results of analysis of this study indicate the category of noble character ranks first with the frequency of occurrence as much as 42 times (56.7%), then on the second- by category of Worship with the frequency of occurrence of 19 times (26.7%), the last sequence Muamalah category occupied by the frequency of occurrence of 13 times (17.6%), from 435 kesuluruhuan dialogue is the dialogue on programs from the Encyclopedia of Islam in the Metro TV during Ramadan 1427H. The third category is composed of 11 indicators divided on each category. Conclusions in this study showed that in the event program at the Islamic Encyclopedia Metro TV during Ramadan, Islam preaches that there are messages delivered kurang A significant, if compared with the other messages, because of whole dialogue has 435 dialogues while preaching the message has only occurrence of 74 times so that there were 74 missionary message dialog. From the results of this study researchers can provide advice on the next researcher to use the categories and indicators a broader, of course, also use the sources more in order to produced a more in-depth analysis and more detailed. Based on the conclusions above, where researchers produce analysis that the dialogue is included in the category of messages preaches less than the dialogue outside of the categories of propaganda messages, the researcher wants provide advice on the Encyclopedia of Islam and programmers events that fill the resource persons event for the packaging during Ramadan preaches a message delivered not much out of the themes of Ramadan, for the spectators at the event program Islamic Encyclopedia Metro TV can receive a message delivered with ease, because it needs a message desired by the spectators can not be fulfilled.} }