@thesis{thesis, author={S Azizah Abdullah}, title ={NILAI ANAK PADA ORANG TUA ETNIS ARAB}, year={2007}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9626/}, abstract={Having children is one of purpose in the process of family making, therefore, having house hold is expected can give descent, called child. Indonesia is a big country which have various tribes, cultures, and religions. Its complexity is showed by the coming of new ethnics to Indonesia. In accordance with the development and the growth of this country, one of the ethnic is Arabic. The growth number of Arabic in Indonesia is increase years to years, it shows that a lot of Arabic are getting married and having children. Biologically, they can continue the descent of the family. As one of ethnics which have special cultures and worthy norms, they have a sight about children. According to the background of the study, the researches wants to reveal the child value of Arabic ethnic parental. This research use descriptive qualitative research. The number of subject in this case are 12, which is come from Arabic ethnic. The data gathering in this research by interview. The results this research show that Arabic parent give positive value to the children attendance, because having children is taught in their religion. In parents judgement . a boy have a virtue because the have more opportunity to accompany his parents in their old period, he also have superiority in economy. Aspect and can continue the family descent, called “fam” can be investigated from the son. Having children also have negative value, something their children are difficult to be advised and settled. Mothers say that having children hard because it makes her housework increase, they have to tidy the house everyday and take care f the children one by one. Fathers say that having daughter more responsible take care of them.} }