@thesis{thesis, author={Priyoko Danang Bayu}, title ={PEMERIKSAAN OPERASIONAL PADA FUNGSI PENDAPATAN DALAM MENILAI TINGKAT EFEKTIVITAS DAN EFISIENSI DIVISI REKREASI( Studi Kasus Pada PT. SELECTA Kota Batu)}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9641/}, abstract={This experiment is a case study on recreation division of PT. SELECTA Batu which provides service. Operational check is done to assess the service delivery activities in this recreation division including the selling of merchandise therefore it will discover the effectivity and efficiency in recreation divisions’ revenue, by those consideration, the author has choose the title “OPERATIONAL CHECK ON REVENUE FUNCTION IN ASSESSING EFFECTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY LEVEL OF RECREATION DIVISION”. The objective of this experiment is to found out how does operational check could improve revenue function of the recreation division and how does operational check could improve efficiency and effectivity in recreation division. In this experiment author has done analysis toward the company policy in sales, budgeting future revenue and any expense related to it, selling procedures, budget and realization. To assess the efficiency level, it used comparison between selling cost and selling result (whether the selling cost is in line with selling result), while to assess the effectivity level, it used variance analysis which compare selling budget with selling realization. The author conclude that in a matter concerning marketing, it still done together/there are still some double task, as for the efficiency analysis is not good enough, since the last 2 years that is, 2001 and 2002, the expense cost is not in line with the revenue while in company effectivity analysis has resulting ineffective, because the recreation division still unable to meet the company target.} }