@thesis{thesis, author={Afifah Raudatul}, title ={PROSES SOSIALISASI DALAM KELUARGA BURUH PEREMPUAN (Study Pada Keluarga Buruh Perempuan di Desa Bedahan, Kecamatan Babat, Kabupaten Lamongan)}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/998/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Individual in the family sure have been sosialization. Without there are be community sosialization can’t existence more than one generation. In sosialization process that individual studied habbit, attitude, ideas, value styles and behavior in community where she lives, so all of attitude and conversation that have studied in sosialization process is compiled and developed as a unity of system in herself. Sosialization is a process where human studied life procedures in her community to get personality and build capacity to make function as individual or as member of group. Sosialization is a process of cultivation or habbit transfered or value and regulation from one generation to other generation on a group or community. There are formula of problem in this research are Why do Sosialization Process in Women Labour Family that worked in CV. Wala in Countryside of Bedahan, District of Babat, Sub-province of Lamongan. That have purpose to find, develope or test about a knowledge that is checked. That way also in this research report writing that have purpose such as : Want to make description sosialization process that happen in Women Labour Family that worked in CV. Wala consist of sosialization steps like is Primary Sosialization and it steps such as : 1) Preparatory Stage, 2) Imitate Stage (Play Stage), 3) Ready to Act Stage (Game Stage), 4) Acceptance of Collective Norm Stage (Generalized Stage). The Countryside of Bedahan is one of countryside there are in District of Babat, Sub-province of Lamongan. The Countryside of Bedahan is a countryside with located in great path provinsi of course have resident sitution of multifarious manner like as on education level side, job, sosial economic level and in this countryside there are a factory that do women labour that become subject in this research. Sosialization process in women labour family such as every individual must be experience of sosialization, that is process of cultivation or habbit transfered or value and regulation from one generation to other generation on a group or community. The Primary Sosialization is sosialization that happen in women labour family that worked in CV. Wala, where process about a child studied habbit, attitude, idea, value style and behavior in the family that about sosialization process in the family. In this sosialization, a child is started when women labour didn’t work when reside in house consort with her child. After a child do primary sosialization step that made print child on life of her community so a child will have self like as confession from community about “Who is She” and “Why is She” in life of her community. That way about self by Mead come from some steps such as : 1) Preparatory Stage, 2) Imitate Stage (Play Stage), 3) Ready to Act Stage (Game Stage), 4) Acceptance of Collective Norm Stage (Generalized Stage).} }