@thesis{thesis, author={RIZKI P.W RAHMADANI}, title ={PERSEPSI WISATAWAN TENTANG DAERAH TUJUAN WISATA TRETES}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9982/}, abstract={Tretes, which known as a rest area since colonial era, have many attractive place for tourism. The finding of this study were : (1) the characteristic of tourist visiting Tretes; (2) the motivating factors and encourage of tourist visiting Tretes; (3) the perception of tourists about Tretes Tourism. This study used survey method with 123 respondents as samples. The instrument used in data collecting were Likert Scale and questionnaire. The data processing was done by means of simple tools of analysis in the form of descriptive data, T-Score and Percentile analysis. Depend on the result, from 123 respondents as samples in this study, the great number of 51% tourists has positive perception in Tretes tourism, and as mush as 49% respondents has negative perception on it. Where 35% which age domination between 25-29 years old, as much as 58,5% respondents stay in Tretes less than 24 hours, and as much as 32,5% respondents were motivated by “Play”--to pleasant cheerfulness, enjoy many kind of game or toy, which projection of childish, an effort of escape from daily activity—to visit.} }