@thesis{thesis, author={RODHIYAH ALFINA SITI}, title ={PENGARUH FORMULA TEPUNG TERIGU DAN TEPUNG KEDELAI PADA PEMBUATAN COOKIES TERHADAP KADAR LEMAK DAN FITOSTEROL}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9993/}, abstract={Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) has become a major cause of human mortality today. World Health Organization (WHO) recorded more than 7 million people died from CHD in the whole world in 2002. This figure is expected to rise to 11 million people by 2020. In Indonesia, cases of CHD more often because of the rapid changes in lifestyle. Although there is no epidemiological data must, morbidity / death seemed likely to increase. National Health Survey of 2001 showed three of the 1000 Indonesian population suffer CHD. Soybean is a food that has a high Phytosterol content and rich in fiber and low in fat, so it is beneficial for heart health and good for daily consumption. This study aims to determine the influence of formula and wheat flour in the manufacture of soy flour on fat cookies and Phytosterol cookies. Used this kind of research is quasi experiment, the research aimed to obtain informat ion that is an estimate of the information can be obtained by actual experiment in a state that is not possible to control and / or memnipulasikan all relevant variables. Research design that used the Complete Random Design with 6 treatments of flour formulas: soy flour (80%: 20%), (60%: 40%), (40%: 60%), (80%: 20%) and flour formula and the formula 100% 100% soy flour. Based on the results of variance analysis, note that there is significant influence between the provision of soy flour in the manufacture of cookies on total fat, Phytosterol, and fiber. The existence of significant influence of provision of soy flour with a total fat content, Phytosterol, and fiber indicated by the value of cookies Fhitung> Ftabel. And the best treatment is cookies with soy flour formula 100%, ie cookies with a total fat content and have the lowest levels of Phytosterol and highest fiber, respectively were 4.43%, 57.76 mg/100gr, and 6.24 %. for the organoleptic properties of tested using 1-way anava Same Subject (SS) obtained the conclusion that the color gives a real difference, while the taste, texture, and smell is no different.} }