@thesis{thesis, author={RODIYAH RODIYAH}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBERIAN DAUN LIDAH BUAYA (Aloe Vera Linn) TERHADAP PENURUNAN KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH PADA TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus Novergicus Strain Wistar) YANG DI INDUKSI ALOKSAN}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/9995/}, abstract={Introduction : synthetic antidiabetic therapy potentially showed some side effects. To avoid these side effects, needs to improve the traditional therapy system as an alternative of safe diabetes therapy, that is aloe vera leaves (Aloe vera Linn.). Objective : Prove the existence of the influence of aloe vera leaf solution to the decline of blood glucose level on the white rat (Rattus novergicus strain wistar) that induced by alloxan. Method : Type of experimental research, the population of white rat with the female sample consisted of 24 rats from 6 treatment groups and replayed 4 times. Alloxan was given on 1st through 7th day and the solution of aloe vera leave was given on 8th day until 21st day. Blood glucose measurement could be made on before the treatment, 7th day, 14th day and 21st day with GOD­PAP method. Result : One Way Anova test showed that the treatment had very significant differences at 0,01 level. Correlation coefficient = ­0,977 showed that there was a close negative correlation between aloe vera leaves dose with blood glucose level. Conclusion : The treatment of aloe vera leaves could reduce the rat’s blood glucose level which induced by alloxan.} }