@thesis{thesis, author={Khumaeroh Mega Siti}, title ={PENGARUH MODEL THINK PAIR SHARE (TPS) BERBANTUAN MEDIA INOVASI DIAMOND TOUCH TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN KOGNITIF SISWA SMA PADA MATERI SISTEM EKSKRESI}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1031/}, abstract={This study entitled "The Effect of Think Pair Share (Tps) Models Assisted by Media Diamond Touch Innovation on Cognitive Ability of High School Students in Excretion System Material". This study aims to determine the effect of diamond touch media with the think pair share (tps) model on the cognitive abilities of high school students in excretory system material. The research method was used quasi experiment. The subjects in this study were XI graders in the even semester of Pondok Modern Assalam Putri Sukabumi. The sample consisted of two classes where the experimental class were used Diamond Touch media with the Think Pair Share learning model, and the control class used Power Point media with the Think Pair Share learning model. The design of this study was non-equivalent control group design, using cognitive question instruments and student response questionnaires. The results of research on cognitive abilities through the Z test showed that Zhitung = 3.16> Ztable = 1.96. This showod that this study H0 was rejected H1 accepted. In other words, there is the influence of Diamond Touch media with a think pair share (tps) model on the cognitive abilities of high school students in excretory system material. Cognitive ability based on the cognitive level of the experimental class and the control class generally increases. N-gain cognitive abilities of students in the highest experimental class are cognitive abilities at the C4 level (analyzing). Students 'responses to diamond touch media with the think pair share model on students' cognitive abilities were obtained as much as 80% of students were attracted to the learning process using diamond touch media, 82% of students were motivated in following the learning process and 80% of students understood excretory system material.} }