@thesis{thesis, author={Santosa Putri Nadya Haqque}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN MODUL BERBASIS HASIL PENELITIAN UNTUK MELATIH KETERAMPILAN ABAD 21 SISWA KELAS X PADA MATERI BACTERIA DAN ARCHAEA}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1032/}, abstract={This research aims to 1) produce a research result based module that can train grade X students' 21st-century skills in Bacteria and Archaea matter; 2) examine the validity of the module; 3) examine the readability of the module; and 4) examine the effectiveness of the module. Kind of this research is research and development (R&D) refer to the Borg and Gall (2003) procedure until the 9th steps. Data were collected through field observation, validity test, readability test, effectiveness test, and feedback test. The result of this research are 1) the developed module has various uniqueness; 2) module validity according to content expert is 93%, matter expert is 82%, media expert is 78%, and language expert is 80%; 3) module readability by students is 88%; 4) module effectiveness based on gain score criteria of 25 students grade 10 in MA Al-Ma?tuq Boarding School is 0,94 at lesson matter and 0,92 at 21st-century skills; and 5) feedback about the module is ?good?. The conclusion of this research is the developed module has various uniqueness; belongs to the ?valid? category; has a ?very good? readability by students; and has ?high? effectiveness.} }