@thesis{thesis, author={Nurhasanah Dita}, title ={PENGARUH METODE PEMBELAJARAN CHAIN WRITING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENULIS TEKS DESKRIPSI SISWA KELAS VII SMP IT HIKMATUL AMIEN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1063/}, abstract={This research is a quantitative study, the problem found by researchers when the observation is a lack of student's ability in writing description text, hence the author took the title of "influence method of learning methods Learning Chain Writing to the ability to write text students description Grade VII SMP IT Hikmatul Amien ". The purpose of this research is to 1) knowing the ability to write students in grade VII students of IT Hikmatul Amien in writing the description text before using the method of learning Chain Writing. 2) Knowing the ability to write students in grade VII students at SMP IT Hikmatul Amien in writing the description text after using the method of learning Chain Writing. 3) Knowing the influence of Chain Writing learning methods to the ability to write description text in grade VII students of IT Hikmatul Amien. The learning methods i used in this research are methods of learning Chain Writing and using one group Pretest-posttest Design research design. The results of research obtained at the time of pretests with an average value of 52.29, and increased after the researchers implemented a method of learning Chain Writing with an average value of posttest of 65.62. The calculation results of each test conducted using a test-t significance to the pretests and posttest thus obtained the results that Thitung (8.17,) > this (2.069). These results indicate differences between pretests and Posttest. Based on the explanation above, IT can be concluded that the learning method of Chain Writing can affect the writing ability of grade VII students SMP IT Hikmatul Amien.} }