@thesis{thesis, author={Wildan Risman}, title ={PENGARUH FORMASI TEMPAT DUDUK BERBENTUK U TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENYIMAK TEKS BERITA KELAS XII IPS 1 DI MADRASAH ALIYAH AL-ISTIQOMAH KOTA SUKABUMI TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018-2019}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1078/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of U-shaped seating formations on the ability to listen to the XII IPS 1 class news text in Sukabumi City Aliyah Al-Istiqomah Madrasah 2018-2019. This research is quantitative research. The subjects of this study were 13th grade IPS 1 students totaling 13 people. Based on the results of the t-test on the pretest and posttest score data, it is calculated that t count = 6.48> t table = 2.160. The results of the hypothesis test show that H_o = there is no relationship between U shaped seating formation to the ability to listen to the XII IPS 1 news text in the Al-Istiqomah Madrasah Aliyah school rejected because t_count> t_tabel. In other words, the average value of the posttest results with an average value of 88.0 is better with the average value of the pretest with an average value of 75.0. The difference in value between the value of the pretest and posttest is due to the use of U-shaped seating formations. A hypothesis is accepted if t count is greater than t table. Thus the proposed hypothesis H1 is acceptable because t_count> t_tabel. This means that learning by using U-shaped seating formation affects the ability to listen to the news text of class XII IPS 1 students in the Aliyah Al-Istiqomah Madrasah 2018-2019.} }