@thesis{thesis, author={Ayuningsih Siti Dwi}, title ={PENGARUH RETURN ON EQUITY DAN EARNING PER SHARE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN PADA PT. ASTRA AGRO LESTARI TBK.}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1242/}, abstract={The decrement of company value in every period became the background of the problem for the research. The analysis in influence of Return On Equiy (ROE) was conducted in order to determine the ability of the company in generating profit on equity; thus, Earning Per Share (EPS) was conducted in order to determine profit on every piece of share toward company value. Therefore, the research was aimed at determining the influence of Return on Equity and Earning Per Share toward company value at PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. The research methods applied were descriptive and associative. The research utilized secondary data in terms of very three months?s financial report of PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. from 2010 to 2017 which were obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange website, www.idx.co.id. The analysis method deployed was multiple linear regression by using SPSS IBM Statistic 24 software for analyzing the data. Based the results of analysis, it can be concluded that ROE (X1) and EPS (X2) significantly influence the company value (Y) with (R2) amounted to 0.637, which means that the contribution of influence of ROE and EPS toward company value is aggregated to 63.7%, while the remaining 36.3% can be explained by other variables outside The research. Thus, according to the value of (R) amounted to 0.798, it shows that relation between ROE (X1) and EPS (X2) toward company value (Y) are in strong category.} }