@thesis{thesis, author={Koswara Delima}, title ={PENGARUH RETRIBUSI OBYEK WISATA DAN PENDAPATAN SEWA PONDOKAN TERHADAP PENDAPATAN PADA WISATA CUNUMPANG KABUPATEN SUKABUMI}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1411/}, abstract={Delima Koswara (1530611116) Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi. Effects of Tourism Object Retribution and Camping Rental Income on Cinumpang Tourism Revenues (Deni Iskandar Z, M. Ak, M. M and Risma Nurmilah, M. Si). This study aims to determine the effect of tourism levies and rental rental income on income in Cinumpang tourism. The variables used in this study are tourism levies, rental housing income and income on cinumpang tourism. This research was conducted using quantitative methods with an associative approach. The population in this study is the financial reports of cinumpang tourism objects in 2015-2018. In this study sampling was done by parametric statistical techniques. The collection technique used is secondary data. The analysis technique used is the classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results showed: The dependent variable is tourism income, while the independent variable is tourism object retribution and rental rental income. The results of this study indicate that partially tourism levies have a positive effect on cinumpang tourism. The value of tcount obtained is 10.275 and the value is greater than ttable 2.014, rejecting Ho and accepting Ha, which means that tourism levies have a significant effect on Cinumpang income, Camping Rental Income has a positive effect on cinumpang tourism. The tcount value obtained is 5.594 and the value is greater than the 2.014 ttable. It was decided to reject Ho and accept Ha, which means that the rental rental income has a significant effect on Cinumpang income. . While simultaneous tourism levies and rental rental income on cinumpang tourism with f test results, the calculated F value is 140,664 and the value is far greater than the value of Ftable 3,204 so that it falls in Ho's rejection area, with a confidence level of 95% it can be decided to reject Ho and accept Ha which means tourism object retribution and simultaneous rent rental income have a significant influence on Cinumpang income.} }