@thesis{thesis, author={Panji Panji}, title ={PENGARUH KUALITAS LAYANAN DAN AKUNTABILITAS TERHADAP PENGUMPULAN DANA ZAKAT (Studi kasus pada BAZNAS Kota Sukabumi)}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1477/}, abstract={Panji (1530611113) Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics, University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Thesis title concerning service quality and accountability towards the merger of zakat funds at BAZNAS in Sukabumi City. Advisor I sulaeman, S.E., M.Sc. Advisor II Tina Kartini, S.E., M, .Esy. Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that is obligatory for every Muslim who is capable and his position is very important in Islam. Can be seen in Al-Qur'an Surat At-Taubah verse 60 which means "Surely the Zakat is only for the needy, the poor, amil zakat, which is softened by (converts), to (liberate) the slave, to (try )) those who are in debt, for the way of God and for those who are on their way, as a result of God. Allah is Knower, Wise. "Zakat pen organizations (BAZ and LAZ) are zakat that are engaged in zakat management. For that zakat management organizations must be accountable and transparent in terms of zakat management as well as in terms of management so that the management of zakat is in accordance with the existing potential. learn about service quality and accountability for zakat collection in BAZNAS, Sukabumi City The method used is a quantitative method using associative. The unit of analysis in this case is the quality of service, accountability, and verification of zakat funds at the Sukabumi City National Amil Zakat Agency. The method of data collection used is the questionnaire method to the BAZNAS individual muzakki in Sukabumi City with 40 respondents. To determine service quality and accountability at the time of zakat fund collection then do a statistical test with validity and reliability testing using SPSS 24 for Windows, and the data analysis technique also uses SPSS 24 for Windows. The results of the study show. The results showed that service quality and accountability were very good as well as the collection of zakat funds, and the results of quantitative research showed service quality and accountability towards zakat collection 57.5% and improved other factors.} }