@thesis{thesis, author={Charlia Renita}, title ={PENGARUH SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI PERSEDIAAN DAN PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL PERSEDIAAN TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS PENGELOLAAN PERSEDIAAN (Studi Kasus pada Divisi Philips PT IDEAL SARANA CAHAYA)}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1480/}, abstract={Renita Charlia (1530611033) Muhammadiyah University, Sukabumi. The Influence of Inventory Accounting Information Systems and Inventory Internal Controls on the Effectiveness of Inventory Management Case studies in the Philips Division of PT. Ideal Means of Light. (Supervisor Mumu M. Fadjar, Drs., M. Ak and Dr. Sakti Alamsyah, M.Pd). This study aims to determine the effect of inventory accounting information systems and internal control of inventory on the effectiveness of inventory management. The variables used in this study are inventory accounting information systems, internal inventory control and effectiveness of inventory management. The number of samples used in this study were 30 respondents. Data collection was carried out with a questionnaire of saturated sampling techniques and nonprobability sampling. The research method is an associative quantitative method. The research paradigm used in this study is a dual two variable paradigm. Data collection techniques are primary and secondary data. Then the data analysis used in this study is descriptive statistics. The results showed that partially the t test for inventory accounting information systems had the results of t count 2980> from t table 1706, for internal control of inventory had the results of t count 3262> from t table 1706 and inventory accounting information systems, internal control of inventory had a joint effect simultaneously the effectiveness of inventory management this can be seen from the SPSS Statistics 24 test results with a coefficient of determination of 83.7% and the remaining 13.3% influenced by other factors not tested by researchers. Simultaneously with the f test it can be seen the f value of 69.525> 3.354 f table with a significance level of 0.000} }