@thesis{thesis, author={Perdana Reza Eka}, title ={ANALISIS CITRA MEREK DAN KEPERCAYAAN MEREK TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN PADA PD. IKRAM NUSA PERSADA KOTA SUKABUMI}, year={2020}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1520/}, abstract={The research was aimed at analysing of brand image and brand trust influence towards customer loyalty at PD. Ikram Nusa Persada in sukabumi city, to knowing how brand image at PD. Ikram Nusa Persada in sukabumi city, to knowing how brand trust at PD. Ikram Nusa Persada in sukabumi city, to knowing how customer loyalty at PD. Ikram Nusa Persada in sukabumi city, to knowing how big influence brand image and brand trust influence toward customer loyalty at PD. Ikram Nusa Persada in sukabumi city. The method applied in the research was simple random sampling by spreading out questionnaires as much as 66 to customers. The technique of analysing data applied was calculating coefficient determination, calculating other variable, meanwhile, the step for testing simultaneous influence were as follow: calculating multiple linear regression, calculating determination coefficient, calculating other variable, calculating multiple linear regression and than calculating direct influence and indirect influence, and than calculating hypothesis simultaneously, calculating hypothesis partially. Based on the result of the research on F test brand image (X1) dan brand trust (X2) influence toward customer loyalty (Y) shows that the Fcount value of 18,195 obtained is greater than the Ftable value of 2,388 it is known that the Fcount value is greater than Ftable, show that value F count obtained greater than value F table hen the influence of brand image and customer loyalty on positive and significant customer loyalty, it can be concluded after testing the hypothesis and things that can affect customer loyalty product candle PD. Ikram Nusa Persada in sukabumi city} }