@thesis{thesis, author={Sarifitriani Yolan}, title ={PENGARUH KOMPETENSI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI DINAS PERDAGANGAN, KOPERASI, USAHA KECIL DAN MENENGAH KABUPATEN SUKABUMI}, year={2020}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1528/}, abstract={The research is entitled "The Influence of Competency towards Employee Performance at Department of Trade, Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise of Sukabumi Regency". Based on the observation conducted by the researcher, the employee performance at Department of Trade, Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise of Sukabumi Regency was not optimal yet due to the lack of competency of the employees themselves. The Grand Theory applied in the research was competency variables theory from Spencer consisting in the dimension of motive, character, self-concept, knowledge and skill. Meanwhile, the employee performance theory applied was from Wibowo which consisted in the dimension of productivity, quality, punctuality, cycle time, resource utility, and cost. The research method applied was survey method by means of associative quantitative approach. The technique of sampling applied by the researcher was purposive sampling consisting of 136 members as population members and 58 employees of Department of Trade, Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise of Sukabumi Regency were taken as sample. The techniques of collecting data applied were observation, interview, questionnaire and literature review. Based on the result of the research, the correlation coefficient shows strong relationship between competency and employee performance, which is namely amounted to 0.654. Meanwhile, the determination coefficient indicates that competency positively influences employee performance at Department of Trade, Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise of Sukabumi Regency, which is namely aggregated to 42.8%. The research concludes that competency and employee performance at Department of Trade, Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise of Sukabumi Regency have been running optimally. The researcher suggests that the understanding of main tasks and function of the employees needs to be improved; leader shall give deeper direction and motivation as well as implement career supervision through technique advisory and training relevant to tasks and function. Thus, Department of Trade, Cooperation, Small and Medium Enterprise of Sukabumi Regency shall give more attention by providing regular training in order to boost employees' knowledge and skill so that the improvement of employee performance can be obtained.} }