@thesis{thesis, author={Mauraksa Azis}, title ={PENGARUH BEBAN KERJA DAN KONFLIK TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA KARYAWAN CV. NEPTUNS SCREEN PRINTING STUDIO}, year={2020}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1543/}, abstract={Neptuns Screen Printing Studio Company is a company engaged m the sector ofconvection and screen printing. Many companies have been competitive in the same sector. not only terms ofproduct sales and service offered bul m terms of human resources as well that they look for quaĆ¼fied employees who can develop and sustain the compames' gocxiwill. I-Itonan resource or manpower is one ofsignificantfactors for the company to remain exist amidst competitive era in the tight world of business and indusfry. The research was triggered hy the problem which was in terms of employee's work satisfaction, predicted to be caused by over Workload gzven to the employees and Conflict among employees. Therefore, the research was aimed at determintng the influence of Workload (variable Xl) and Conflict (Variable X2) towards Employee's Work Satisfacnon (variable Y). The methods applied in the research were descrtptive and assoealtve. The techniques of collectmg data apphed were observation, intervzew, questionnaire, documentation and literature review- The techniques of analyzing data applied were multiple correlation technique, determination coefficient, and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the calculation ofcategorization of data score percentage, it is obtained that workload is amounted to 381 which is in high criterta. Such result shows that there is workload at Nepluns Convection and Screen Printing Sukabumi. Accordmg 10 the calculation of daia categorization, conflict ratio acquired is amounted 10 455 which is in average category. Such findmg indicates that conflict occurred m Neptuns Convection and Screen Printing Sukabumi is solvable.} }